The round mug style money bank or money box is limited product in terms of sales. It is very much a niche product, normally ordered as an add on to a mug order, at £4-50 each. It is a popular item around Christmas Time (so get orders placed in Autumn.)
If ordered with mugs there is no delivery charge. But if it's a stand alone order it carries the standard £15-00 delivery charge.
As a one off single item the price is £11-99 delivered by post or £20-00 if ordered as a pair. (including origination, post and packing)
Click on the little white lines in the picture to see other examples.
This fun item weighs approx 350g. It has a height of 97mm and a circumference of 263mm.
On the bottom of the money box is a rubber plug that can be easily removed to gain access to the money in the money box.
It's about 9.7cm tall with a circumference of just over 26cm. It has a small ridge at the top and bottom which shows in the illustrations.